Is an address needed to receive TransUnion® reports?

No, renters do not need an address to order, receive, or share reports with their agents.

Renters can do this proactively or be invited to generate and share their information. A renter's agent can receive copies of reports and applications from the renters they invite. This information is not used to apply for rent; instead, it is shared privately between the renter and an agent.

When applying for rent. Sharing with listing agents, property managers, and landlords.

When using SoftScreen® to apply for rent, the address of a rental property is needed. At least one listing agent, property manager, or landlord needs to be on board to receive the applicant's information and decide on their potential tenancy.

Every address in our secure system has a listing agent, property manager, and/or landlord associated with it. By selecting an address, the applicant’s information is securely shared with the correct individuals for that property. This protects the renter’s privacy, allowing reports to go safely, directly, and only to those who need them. Renters are empowered to control and limit the distribution of their information.

Un-Share. Privacy by design

Once an address is selected and information is shared, should the information no longer be needed, potential tenants can choose to “un-share” their information after the fact. The applicant can revoke access to their personal information by simply clicking a button.