How can changes be made to a Rental Application?
Once a Rental Application has been submitted, changes cannot be made. If information needs to be added or the information entered requires updating, please generate new reports, which will also provide a new rental application (this will clone your most recent application, saving you time and effort).
To do this, please follow the applicable instructions appearing below.
Once generated, you can edit, amend, and change info before saving and submitting. There’s no limit to the number of reports and rental applications you can generate during your 30 days of unlimited everything!
To generate new reports for a specific property - applying for rent
Start by “Un-Sharing” to remove the current copies of reports and rental application previously submitted for the address.
To un-share, click “My Reports.”
Next, click the Un-Share button associated with the reports and rental application for the address.
You can now generate new reports and a fresh rental application.
Go to your dashboard. Select Option 2 - Apply For Rent.
Enter the address, and click “Find property listings.”
When the desired address appears on your screen, click the button labeled “Apply for rent.”
Your information will be submitted to the landlord and/or their agent.
To generate new reports without having selected an address - Pre-Screening
This requires an invitation.
Please ask your own agent to invite you to “Pre-Screen”
If you are not able to ask an agent to invite you, please reach out to us. We will be happy to send an invitation for this purpose.
You can reach us by clicking “Contact Us” located at the top of this page.