Does it matter which invitation you choose to send?
The invitation you send will determine who receives the invited renter’s information.
Knowing which invite is best for your needs can help things move smoothly for you, your clients, customers, and other agents.
This quick reference chart gives you an overview of each invitation based on recipients. If you have any questions or need further support, please click here to get in touch.
Invitations you send to “Pre-Screen” are shared privately only between the renter and YOU (the agent sending the invitation).
Pre-Screen is a great way for renters and their agents to view information in advance.
Who receives the renter’s reports and rental application:
The renter
YOU - The agent sending the invitation
This option includes TransUnion reports and rental applications
If you are the listing agent representing a landlord and receive pre-screen reports, you can share the renter’s information with the landlord by sending a new invitation to apply for rent to the renter. Specify the address of your listing. There is no additional cost to the renter.
Applying for rent
Invitations you send to Apply for Rent (when it is SOMEONE ELSE’S Listing - you do NOT represent the landlord.
Who receives the renter’s reports and rental application:
The renter
YOU - The agent sending the invitation
The landlord’s agent
The landlord
This option includes TransUnion reports and rental applications
This option also provides document upload and bank direct financials if and when requested of all applicants. (Provided to listing agent and landlord only).
Invitations you send to Apply to Rent YOUR Listing - you represent the landlord.
Who receives the renter’s reports and rental application:
The renter
YOU - The landlord’s agent
The landlord
This option includes TransUnion reports and rental applications
This option also provides document upload and bank direct financials if and when requested of all applicants. (Provided to listing agent and landlord only).
If you’d like additional details please review the following…
When you represent the renter:
(You do NOT represent the landlord)
Two Available Options: Pre-screen and Apply for rent
► Pre-Screen (No address required)
Pre-screening privately shares reports and rental applications ONLY between the renter and YOU.
It is NOT intended as an application to rent, so no rental property address is asked for or specified.
It does NOT send any renter information to another agent or landlord.
If you happen to be the listing agent for the property, it will NOT send reports to the landlord. (see info in next column)
This option is great for viewing information before submitting an application to rent.
As the renter’s agent, you will know what your client’s TransUnion® file contains, which enables you to discuss the information with them.
Once an application for rent is submitted, you can speak freely and knowledgeably with another agent or landlord.
Pre-screening does NOT include document upload.
FYI - Pre-screening can be performed with or without an invitation.
You can invite renters to pre-screen -OR- renters can proactively choose this option and share their information with you. They can enter your email address (the address associated with your SoftScreen® account).
Renter’s reports and rental applications will be found in your SoftScreen® account. (That’s ZERO effort on your part)
► Apply For Rent (Address required)
This option lets you choose the address of someone else’s listing. This enables the renter to release their information to ALL PARTIES associated with that potential rental transaction.
All Parties are…
The renter (as applicant)
You, as the agent representing the renter
The landlord’s listing agent/property manager
The landlord
Applying for rent also includes Document Upload.
Document upload enables the renter to provide copies of additional information specified by the landlord. All applicants might be asked to provide photo ID, proof of income/paystubs, etc.
Documents uploaded by the renter will be shared with the landlord and their representing agent ONLY. It is NOT shared with you as the agent representing the renter.
Not sure which type of invitation you may have sent?
You can find out by clicking on Invitation Management. All invitations sent to renters are recorded. If no address is associated with the invitation, this means the renter was invited to pre-screen, and you are the only recipient. No one else is able to view the renter’s information.
If you have invited the renter to pre-screen or they have proactively sent you pre-screen reports and now wish to send the information to another agent or landlord, simply select the address and invite the renter to apply for rent.
When you represent the landlord:
(Or both landlord and renter applying for your own listing)
One Available Option: Apply for rent
► Apply for rent.
Choose the address of YOUR listing
This option lets you choose the address of YOUR listing. It enables the renter to release their information to ALL PARTIES associated with the rental property’s address.
All Parties… Who receives the renter’s information?
The renter (as applicant)
You, as the landlord’s listing agent/property manager
The landlord you represent
Applying for rent also includes Document Upload.
Document upload enables the renter to provide copies of additional information specified by the landlord. All applicants might be asked to provide photo ID, proof of income/paystubs, etc. Documents uploaded by the renter will be shared with you and the landlord.
Why is an address required?
To ensure the renter’s information is shared with the correct recipients, the landlord, and/or agent specific to the rental property being applied for.
SoftScreen® is able to associate TWO individual recipients for any one address. Agent and landlord.
Renters choose an address rather than choosing an individual agent.
If you have more than one rental listing, this ensures information goes to you and the landlord specific to that address.
You can “Add Landlord” to a specific property, which lets the property's landlord opt-in and securely receive all renter information in their own secure SoftScreen® account.
Finally, it is a requirement of federal law that a rental property is needed when applying for rent. This logical reason is called “Permissible Purpose,” which is mandated in the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
► Pre-Screen 🚫 NOT a listing agent’s best option
Pre-screening does not ask for an address. It will privately share reports and rental applications ONLY between YOU and the renter.
It does NOT send any renter information to a landlord.
While you would receive the renter’s information, your listing client, the landlord, would not. They are shared privately with ONLY YOU.
To send or share with the landlord, invite renters to apply for your listing. This allows you to specify the address of your rental property.
You can associate the landlord with the listing by “Adding Landlord”. Once the landlord opts in, SoftScreen® will share reports with them automatically.
If you have invited the renter to pre-screen or they have proactively sent you pre-screen reports and now wish to send the information to the landlord you represent, simply invite the renter to apply for your listing.
Not sure which type of invitation you may have sent?
You can find out by clicking on Invitation Management. All invitations sent to renters are recorded. If there is no address associated with the invitation, this means the renter was invited to pre-screen, and the landlord is unable to view the renter’s information.